War Bringer walks down the long hallway, his boots resounding steps echoing off of the 400 year old stone over 50 feet above his head. His hand felt the hilt of his large razor sharp sword at his belt, as he walked with a sense of urgency- passing guards who bowed as he quickly made his way past them. They noticed the great skull with the EG logo on the forehead and the eye patch that each of the special knights of the ancient order wore with envy. Not any man was fit to carry the sword, to wear the cape, to take the oath of loyalty- yes one guard thought- they'd rather die, delete their account than be taken or betray their ancient order. Those crazy bastards- they're so lucky. They get all the glory.
The ancient hero made his way to a great wooden door with the ancient EG crest on it- he took a knee for a brief second at the door, paying his respects to all of his order who had fallen before their time- his friends young and old- and then lifting his great hands he threw open the thick massive doors before him. They screeched on their hinges as he strode into the room, lit by narrow slit windows cut high above the room to prevent archers from reaching such an important sanctuary- the interior chamber of the great Endgame Lords. Inside was the stronghold and the other captains of the Lords were present, gathering for the great WW- a happening of great importance across the realm.
War Bringer took deep deliberate steps up the carpeted walkway towards the great Lords, all talking had halted and heads turned to watch, waiting for his words- his report. When he reached the end of the long narrow red carpet he came to a round fireplace around which the Lords gathered and took a knee. When he rose the grizzly 6 foot 6 bearded Captain growled only 5 words, "Settlers are on the way my Lord." And he took his place among the other Captains to await his orders.
Jorgen was a merchant like his father before him and his father and his fathers father going back several hundred years. They had always enjoyed the protection of War Bringers clan and family line. He and his family have always enjoyed the protection of War Bringers realm- Great Captain and Vassal to the great Endgame Lords- and this day War Bringer trusted Jorgen with a great task: He was to take great massive grain shipments to MDDragons village Soda Soda, a long and treacherous journey- and most importantly he was told, upon arrival he must deliver a message to the great Lord.
He walked the flagstones to up through the village to the Residence where the great Lord was now planning and strategizing for the WW with his war council. All about Jorgan the village seemed poised for war. The ring of hammers on iron and steel resounded from the Blacksmithy. The Armory was abuzz with activity and there was a MASSIVE contingency of defensive troops guarding the village, everywhere were the protective guard. Ready. Poised to protect their great lord, their standards bore the great seals of the Captains they served. Among their ranks were the standards of warriors that served as vassals to the great Lord.
Jorgan made his way into the Residence gate and was admitted when he showed the pass given to him by his liege War Bringer- giving him rare precedence into the great hero MDDragons presence. He approached the interior chambers massive wooden doors, saw the two special guards, and the great ENDGAME seal on the door- the menacing skull with the eyepatch. The Door was opened for him- and he walked the long stretch of red carpet to a great fireplace where upon the other side in the center was seated MDDragon, and he kneeled and spoke, "My Lord I bring news from War Bringer, he has begun shipments of grain to Soda Soda, and his attacks upon the villages surrounding WW Village ( -119|-190 ) Tonia Ratched have begun. The trips are long mLord, 34 hours one way- but he has broken up his hammers and they are underway. He brings the promise that you can always count on him to obey as EG's faithful vassal."